Safely Securing Your Students’ Wellbeing.
Corrie Fielding
Debbie Lamb
About Anchored Schools
Corrie Fielding and Debbie Lamb started working together in 2016 and went on to establish Anchored Schools with the aim of offering comprehensive support to schools in the areas of safeguarding, behaviour, attendance and PSHE.
Both Corrie and Debbie have extensive experience as senior leaders in the primary and secondary sector where their work had a significant impact on improving pupil outcomes as well as impacting on whole school development.
Debbie went on to lead Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attendance for a number of Multi Academy Trusts in the north of England. Her work has included offering advice and guidance to senior leaders on strategic planning, reviewing and evidencing the impact of initiatives, preparing schools for Ofsted inspections, leading staff and governor training and facilitating professional forums to support collaborative work.
Corrie has been a senior leader, a practising DSL, SENCO and Governor (including Chair) for many years in both primary and secondary settings. She joined a Multi Academy Trust where she led on Safeguarding during which she was recognised for outstanding practice. Corrie was identified by Ofsted as being an outstanding leader of PSHE and went on to be a peer practitioner supporting colleagues across the north of England. She also provides Safeguarding support for organisations outside traditional educational provisions such as charities and out of school settings.
Corrie and Debbie’s wealth of experience has, undoubtedly, enhanced their level of knowledge and expertise in all areas of Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attitudes and Personal Development. However, they believe it is their regular and continued involvement with schools that ensures that their support remains relevant, useful and impactful.
Corrie and Debbie’s work is driven by a passion and absolute determination to provide high quality pastoral care and an unwavering belief in the need to create a robust culture and ethos of safeguarding. Anchored Schools can assist your school in safely securing your students’ wellbeing.
How we can help.
New Services Available
New Services Available 〰️
Website and Policy Compliance
Another way we hope to help you to “secure” your setting is with our new website compliancy service. Our team will ensure that, as well as all required information, your site is an example of good practice. After the review, our report will outline all actions required to create an excellent introduction to your school or college.
Let us review this vital document for you. Our extensive audit will ensure that not only is your policy compliant but that it is a model of good practice.
Our review of this document will ensure good practice and will provide you with a RAG rated reported to help you create excellent protocols for your school, academy or Trust.
SEND Review
Prior to our visit we will review your key documentation and ask you to complete a self reflection form.
On the day of the visit we will spend time with leaders, the SENDCo, pupils and staff. We will thoroughly review policy, procedures and protocols in relation to your SEND provision.
The visit will result in a RAG rated report, with suggested actions and recommendations suitable for SLT, Governors, Trusts etc.
Anchored Schools are delighted to launch a new quality mark award scheme that will recognise educational settings who have demonstrated and clearly evidenced outstanding practice in any of the following areas; Safeguarding, Behaviour, Attendance or PSHE.
Anchored Bronze Award - for settings who have demonstrated excellent practice in a specific area during an Anchored School Review. For example outstanding practice when working with external agencies and services.
Anchored Silver Award - for settings who have demonstrated excellent practice and gained a score of 90% or more during a Health Check Review.
Anchored Gold Award - for settings who have demonstrated excellence and gained a score of 90% or more during an Extensive Review.
Anchored Platinum Award - for settings who have demonstrated excellence and gained a score of 90% or more during an Enhanced Review.

Anchored Radar
Anchored Radar is a weekly newsletter that will provide you with key information, updates, support and guidance in relation to all aspects of Safeguarding and Personal Development. It is designed to be brief and easily digested for busy staff and will point you in the direction of resources, articles, and helpful information to reduce your workload whilst keeping on top of the latest initiatives. Sign up below to receive it.