An effective PSHE programme is a key part of securing your students’ wellbeing, and as a growing body of research demonstrates, students who are “emotionally healthy” achieve better academic outcomes.
Your Safeguarding Policy should outline how you will help students recognise, reduce and manage risk. However, including an effective programme in an increasingly crammed timetable can be extremely difficult, but we are reminded that “Governing bodies …. should ensure that children are taught about safeguarding, including online safety….Schools should consider this as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. This may include covering relevant issues through Relationships Education.. and Relationships and Sex Education.. and Health Education. KCSiE 2021 section 119/120.
Regulations which make the subjects of Relationships Education (for all primary pupils) and Relationships and Sex Education (for all secondary pupils) and Health Education (for all pupils in state-funded schools) are now mandatory. So now is the time to ensure that your PSHE and RSE curriculums are fit for purpose, supporting your pupils and helping them to navigate their environments successfully.
PSHE in Action
Following on from a Safeguarding Review across a group of federated primary schools it became clear that the PSHE curriculum was not fit for purpose. The schools were keen to ensure that any programme incorporated the religious nature of the school. Working with the PSHE Leads we audited provision and provided a step by step programme to ensure new RSE guidance will be met and an engaging curriculum, with assessment and progress measures was developed, ready to roll out easily to staff.
How we can help.
PSHE Reviews
Health Check Review - Recommended for settings who have already had an Extensive Review and wish to check progress, or are confident in the effectiveness of their PSHE curriculum, policies and procedures and require external verification.
A one day visit by a member of our team, resulting in a RAG-rated report. Verbal guidance and support will be offered on the day of the review by the Anchored School colleague.
Extensive Review - Recommended for schools where senior leaders wish to comprehensively audit their curriculum, policies, systems and procedures for PSHE.
A one day review visit by a member of our team, followed by a comprehensive report. The report contains RAG-rated responses to the lines of inquiry, actions, and recommendations as well as an executive summary. The stakeholder voice will be explored during the review to triangulate evidence. Guidance and support will be offered on the day of the review by the Anchored Schools colleague. In addition, we will offer a verbal feedback session at the end of the day for senior leaders, governors, Trust members etc.