Sign Up to Receive the New Anchored Radar Newsletter
As from Thursday 3rd September we will be launching a new weekly, term time newsletter. We are excited about this development as we know we can support more of you more frequently through this. We are going to ensure that it is as valuable as possible in a quick and easy format, so we are confident it is worth one minute of your time to sign up.
It maybe that you already receive a newsletter from another source and you are thinking why would this be any different? Well, here is what is going to make the Anchored Radar great for you.
We will be including information on Safeguarding, Attendance, Behaviour, Wellbeing and PSHE, so if you have any type of pastoral role this can be your one stop shop! Its not just for DSLs but for Heads of Year, Family support Workers, in fact anyone who has the care of children at the centre of their role.
We promise to keep it brief. We know what busy people you are and that you have not got the time to scroll through lots of information. The Anchored Radar will be short and to the point – telling you what you need to know quickly and succinctly.
It is now, and always will be free of charge.
We are lucky to work across lots of schools and academies and so are still rooted in the practicalities of day to day school life. Therefore we will be sharing resources, practical tips and actual strategies we know are working well in schools now, as well as giving you information.
So – take one minute now to sign up and know that every Thursday a 2 minute read might give you some helpful guidance. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Anchored Radar going forward. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there is anything you would like to see added to it.
Corrie and Debbie.
Anchored Radar
Anchored Radar is a weekly newsletter that will provide you with key information, updates, support and guidance in relation to all aspects of Safeguarding and Personal Development. It is designed to be brief and easily digested for busy staff and will point you in the direction of resources, articles, and helpful information to reduce your workload whilst keeping on top of the latest initiatives. Sign up below to receive it.