Welcome to Our New Website

After a period of planning and creating, we are proud to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website. We wanted a new website to better outline our services, share resources and provide information for all of our customers and for all the hardworking pastoral staff in schools, colleges, charities, and out of school provision all over the country.

We hope you like the fresh new look with a new logo, and the improved navigation that will hopefully allow you to engage with us more effectively online.  We believe this new site reflects our strengths but we have kept our motto – Safely Securing your Students’ Wellbeing -  as that has always been and will always continue to be our key value and aim.

As always we are open to feedback, so if there is something else you would like to see, that would be helpful to you, please get in touch with us.

Corrie and Debbie.


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