What do I need to know about Disqualification for the Single Central Record?

We have been asked several times since the new academic year began, to clarify the requirement for staff, particularly in primary provisions and EYS setting, to confirm they are not disqualified from childcare, in line with the Disqualification Under the Childcare Act 2006 (updated August 2018)

To clarify which members of staff this check will apply to within your school -

‘’Staff are covered by this legislation if they are employed or engaged to provide early years childcare (this covers the age range from birth until the 1st September following a child’s fifth birthday, that is up to and including reception year) or later years childcare (this covers children above reception age but who have not attained the age of 8) in nursery, primary or secondary school settings, or if they are directly concerned with the management of such childcare.’’ DfE

Early years provision

Staff who provide any care for a child up to and including reception age. This includes education in nursery and reception classes or any supervised activity (such as breakfast clubs, lunchtime supervision and after school care provided by the school) both during the normal school day and outside of school hours for children in the early years age range.
Later years provision (for children under 8)

Staff who are employed to work in childcare provided by the school outside of the normal school day for children who are above reception age but who have not attained the age of 8. This does not include education or supervised activity for children above reception age during school hours (including extended school hours for co-curricular learning activities, such as the school’s choir or sports teams) but it does include before-school settings, such as breakfast clubs, and after school provision.

Staff who are directly concerned in the management of early or later years provision are covered by the legislation. Schools will need to use their judgement to determine who is covered, but this will include the headteacher, and may also include other members of the school’s leadership team and any manager, supervisor, leader or volunteer responsible for the day-to-day management of the provision.
Note - Where the school engages a person who is self-employed (for example a music teacher or sports coach) to work in relevant childcare provision, the school must ensure that they are compliant with the requirements of the legislation explained in this guidance.
Staff involved in any form of health care provision for a child are specifically excluded from the statutory definition of childcare and are therefore not covered by the legislation. This includes:

  • school nurses

  • speech and language therapists

  • education psychologists

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