What Should I Include in a Safeguarding Report to Governors?
As Governors ourselves, we are aware that many governing bodies will now have set their agendas and meeting schedule for the rest of the year. You may then already have a date for when the Safeguarding Governor will visit the school and reflect on the safeguarding framework. Next week this section will cover preparing for that visit.
However, a question that we are often asked by new DSLs is "What should I report to my governor?". It is a requirement that you provide at least an annual safeguarding report for governors. Many colleagues undertake a more thorough report later in the year, but we would suggest that it is good practice to keep your governor up to speed. Therefore, you might want to consider a termly report in which you outline the following
numbers of live CP, CIN, Early Help and monitored students
how many referrals have been made this term and to whom
outcomes of those referrals
what training has happened this term and what is upcoming
any new arising issues in the local community
what topics have been covered in PSHE and during assembly times etc
progress that has been made towards the section 175 audit or a safeguarding action plan or SEF etc. and what the next steps are.
This could easily be covered in a brief document but would really support the governor in their role and provide focus for any discussions you have with them.